Tdi DR gigi bg nasihat...skrg giliran akak aku plak bg nasihat...hehe...thnx ya my sis!!^_^
byk nasihat yg maybe leh berkongsi serba sedikit kot...
1-Akak aku nasihat pasal lelaki.
(Carilah lelaki yg kaya dengan hati @ seorang yg baek hati..Janganlah memandang kepada kaya pada harta benda sahaja..Carilah lelaki yang SOLEH...(tu mmg plg ptg bg aku)...yg boleh mendidik kita menjadi seorng muslimah n isteri yg solehah...n yg plg ptg...bykkan berdoa n membaca AL-QURAN )
2- Mengenai kerjaya @ masa depan
(Dia berpesan agar janganlah pikir ape org kata...mungkin apa yang kita wat tu tak ar sehebat mana tapi rezeki yang diberi oleh ALLAH tu kita takleh jangka..ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH LAGI MAHA PENYAYANG...kita takkan taw apa yg berlaku..walaupun diploma tapi rezeki yang diberi oleh ALLAH..siapa tahu?Asalkan kita USAHA! )
3- Bersyukur
(kita manusia sama aje di sisi Allah...cumenya yang membezakan kita adalah amalan kita bukan harta kita...Allah tak pandang pun harta kite malah dia yang beri harta itu kepada kita...kepada yang agak berjaya dan bernasib baik tu....tak perlu nak berlagak dan berbangga diri...seme tu datang dariNya...kalau Allah tak beri anda takkan dapat...jadi je insan yang lebih bersyukur...kerana anda bakal tempah kebahagian di akhirat.)petikan dari blog akakku..sape nak bace leh ar bace...
Itulah serba sedikit nasihat2 yang aku dapat malam ni...memang memberi banyak dorongan kepada ku..
Pengajaran yang aku dapat
1-Aku kenala berusaha dengan memperbanyakkan berdoa erti kata beribadah dan berdoa serta membaca AL-QURAN...betul2..pernah juga dengar ada seorang tu kata Kalo ada jodoh ada la...tpi kalo tak usaha mana nak dtg n aku dgr bahawa nya lelaki bukan tak banyak tapi lelaki yg baek kurang...byk gak benda yg aku dapat mlm ni..walaupun aku masih muda lagi tapi nasihat ni leh serba sedikit memberi pengajaran n nasihat berguna untuk aku.
2-Aku sebernanya dah kerja n hanya mempunyai dip byk ar yg kata nape tak sambung??Dalam hati ini mmg nak sgt2222 sambung ambil deg...sape tak nak????tapi aku ada benda laen yang kene aku lakukan pikir2 aku taknak jdi org yang penting kan diri herk!!!ganbate..walaupun apa orang kata tutup telinga tpi tak ar sume org kata tutup telinga..hehe..yang menyakitkan hati jerk ar..hehe...n skrg aku taw bahawa segalanya datang dariNYA...aku akan usaha untuk diri aku n aku usaha tuk mencapai cita aku!USAHA NORA!!!GANBATE!CHAIYOK!
3-Aku kene bersyukur atas segala yang aku ada dan kecapi skrg ni...SYUKUR!Seperti dlm lagu Raihan (lupe tajuk dia tpi lirik camni..UCAPLAH ALHAMDULILLAH,SYUKUR KITA KEPADA ALLAH..mcm tu ar.. n UNIC (ERTI SYUKUR)..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Posted by shiha_87 at 10:39 AM 2 comments
huhuhuhuhu...arini aku p doktor gigi....sakit gigi!!!berlubang!!!harrr...takut+seram+sume ada...huhuhu...aku g klinik gigi zalinda kat tmn melawati...kat2 ngn giant tuu...erm..biar akuu citer skit ape tu tampalan gigi putih @ white fillings...nk ckp pun susah sb aku kne dok ats kerusi tu n tgk skit2 jerk ape DR tu wat...mana taknya..punya ar tkut..aku terpaksa tutup mata...nth ape2 ar yg dletakkan kt gigi ku ni..hehe..nak taw serba sedikit ttg tampalan gigi @ white fillings..
~What is a Filling? A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material. By closing off spaces where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay. Materials used for fillings include gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and an amalgam (an alloy of mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc). Which Type of Filling is Best? No one type of filling is best for everyone. What's right for you will be determined by the extent of the repair, whether you have allergies to certain materials, where in your mouth the filling is needed, and the cost. Considerations for different materials include: Gold fillings are made to order in a laboratory and then cemented into place. Gold inlays are well tolerated by gum tissues, and may last more than 20 years. For these reasons, many authorities consider gold the best filling material. However, it is often the most expensive choice and requires multiple visits. Amalgam (silver) fillings are resistant to wear and relatively inexpensive. However, due to their dark color, they are more noticeable than porcelain or composite restorations and are not usually used in very visible areas, such as front teeth.
dah dpt skit2...harr..tu ar dia...hehe..arap2 dpt ar bg skit info2..kalo nak taw ape2 tnya DR plak..baru g sne sekali...hehe...apa2 pun DR nasihat jagalah gigi anda!hehe..DR NORA nya nasihat!
Posted by shiha_87 at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I just got my diploma last Saturday that held at IIUM. It was a big and exciting day. Graduation for me was like a bird that has escaped from his cage. Alhamdulillah..YAHOO!!!!! I like a bird…hehe…enjoy it very much! It was the day that I would never forget. I would never forget the goodbyes, the enjoyment, the photo session, the ups, and the downs. The whole time I was in IIC all I could say was” I can’t wait until I graduate!” I knew when this day came it was going to bring new light to my eyes like a new born baby opening his eyes for the first time.Wah gitu..hehe.. Actually it’s quite sad when it happened, it makes me remember of a memory while I was in iic. The laughter, sadness, etc. Although IIC is not big and good as public university but I enjoyed study there. In summary, convo was nice. But I didn’t take a lot of photos with my gurl friend. Coz I hardly found my friends after the session, maybe coz we were in evening session and it ended late and everyone didn’t stay long afterwards. Ros, Fazni, Aien, I don’t know where are there. So I only had pics with my boy friend..haha..jgn pikir bukan2 yaaa..frenz only yaaa….the rest are pics of me alone and with my family (abah,mama,epa, kak ila)luv u guys! and my cousin. Lupe plak nak cite, the best things are when my Betties cousin came also to my graduation day!!! There are the best!!! Lurve them!! THANX GUYS!!!!!Ohh…and also I got surprised from them! Want to know what?? I got present….cute bear……so sweet….present from bf???? huhu…I’m still single…so….:(..Waiting for next convo maybe...hehe….don‘t knows when... blablablaaaaaaa......ok...
here are some pics :)) cut n paste dr shela
Posted by shiha_87 at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
FOR U...

Posted by shiha_87 at 6:58 AM 2 comments
~huh..letih2 tuliz pjg2..tpi puas ar...hehe...thnx ar kat sume yg pekenalkan blog2 ni..mule2 tu mcm burink jerk..nth apa2 jerk..tpi bile dah join..bez..thnx shela,teha..n sume ar..hehe...

Posted by shiha_87 at 6:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Posted by shiha_87 at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hehe...finally...i hve my own blog...
so...ape ek nak tulis??ok..
arini nak tuliz ar pengalaman menulis blog....hehe..wah...dah lama dah sebenarnya nak tuliz..tpi mcm2 pikir...hehe..akhirnya pada tanggal 15 Oktober 2008,blog nurashiha telah siap dibina(mcm bina bangunan plak)..hahahaha..apa2 aja...ingt susah nak wat...rupa2nya..mmg susah nak wat...nak pikir nama ape tuk blog n add link...akhirnya...namaku jua yg dipilih tuk ltk kat ataz sng ar sape2 nak bukak blog ni..takde alasan ar membace..hehe...skrg kan budaya membace...ermm....ok...rase cukup ar..kang borink plak bace kisah ni byk sgt...apa pun pada sume sekali lagi..thnx sb sudi singgah blog ni...comment yaa..hehe...
Posted by shiha_87 at 4:53 AM 4 comments